Tuesday, March 17, 2009

To Tweet or Not To Tweet?

It seems like it's been a long time since the last time I posted. I definitely have a lot of things to cover but I don't want to push it.

So I'll start off with the topic that everyone seems to be talking about, including you most likely?


Twitter has taken the world by storm. Some do it ever so often, some do it often and some of you, I hate to say it, are down right OBSESSED!!!

You can find your local news channels on there, you can find the latest celebs on there and guess who else you can find!


That's right I said it. Google is now on Twitter.

Do I have your attention now?

Just a couple of weeks ago, Google joined the majority and signed up for a Twitter account and within a couple of hours they had over 20K followers.

That has got to be some tweet record or something.

So what is Twitter and what does that have to do with your business success online?


Twitter is a great place to meet new people and network with other business owners. It's like an online texting oasis.

Start by signing up with a Twitter account at www.twitter.com

Name your twitter account after you business.

Set up your profile and invite your friends from forums, clients, and family too to start following you.

When someone follows you, they will get to see what you are doing by your updates.

You can also find others to follow and 9 x's out of 10 they will follow you back. You can find people to follow by clicking on the Find People link at the bottom of Twitters website.

You post little comments about what you are doing. You can post anywhere from messages about adding new products to your website or How crappy your day as been.

Twitter is a great place to build your prospect list as well. You can post links to your site, maybe even a link to a special offer on your site or a link to somewhere on your site that you offer a free download. All they have to do is sign up for your free downloadable item or giveaway and you can collect their email address to build a relationship with via newsletters, discounts, promotions etc.

The trick is though. You don't want to post mainly about your business. You want to be as natural as possible. Post about your day, your opinions about the latest trends, about any recalls you may have heard etc..

I got a great tip from a fellow follower, stalkers I like to call them.

She suggested that you post your link in all of your messages. That way, people who are following you will start to go to your website if you have interesting updates. That has worked for me as well. So I am passing on that suggestion to you.

So to end this post. I definitely recommend joining Twitter. It can be very confusing at first but definitely a must if you are a business owner looking to network , increase traffic and hopefully make a sale or two, or three, or a hundred!

Like anything. It will take time building the number of followers. I suggest having more followers than you following more.

You can come stalk us at:




Let me know if you have any questions!
