Friday, July 26, 2013

Website Project Brief - Free Template by eDigital

Website Project Brief - Free Template

Filling the below Free Template will help your "Parrot" Digital Agency, Website Developer or SEO Consultant to understand what you brand is, your customers and what you want to achieve.
Brand/Product :       Campaign :
Prepared By :     Date :
Creative Agency Contact :
Media Agency Contact :
What is the background?
What is the brand eseence, personality, unique value proposition and category history?
What are your strategic objectives?
  • What is the contribution to the overall business? What is the role of the brand in the portfolio?
  • If building a new website, what are the traffic acquisition and retention objectives?
What is your key business objective?
  • What is the single thing we should we focus on? How will this be measured? What is the desired timeframe for delivery?
What are the trade expectations?
  • What is their key objective? How is this measured? Who are they targeting?
What are the communication objectives?
  • What should the campaign deliver? How will this be measured?
What are the issues facing the category/brand?
  • What do we need to take into account? What’s the current competitive landscape?
Who is the target audience?
  • Who currently uses the website? Specify consumer segments.
What are the consumer insights?
  • What do we know about the consumers?
  • What are they looking for?
  • Why are/aren’t they using our site?
What is the brand communication proposition?
  • What is the proposed brand positioning? What are the supporting pillars?
  • What underpins this?
What is the desired consumer action?
Why should they respond in this way?
  • What are the rational reasons for this response?
Are there going to be any product changes?
Are there any regional considerations?
  • Metro vs Regional? State vs State?
Are there any seasonal considerations?
  • How does the traffic fluctuate? What are the key occasions/timings to communicate?
What research has been conducted which could be relevant?
What are the mandatories?
What must the campaign include?
  • e.g. must include certain media channel, specific creative etc.
What are the key deliverables?
  • What are your expectations from each response?
  • What must be covered off?
  • Media:
  • Creative:
What are the key timings for response?
  • Initial Response (media & creative)
  • Final Sign off (media & creative)
What are the key campaign timings?
What’s the launch date? Is this confirmed? What’s the ideal campaign duration?
Any additional info that might help creative/media and development
What is the budget?
Media $
Creative/Production $
Promotion $ ————————- already covered.
Total Budget: $

Have a great weekend! 
Mauricio Escobar Mármol
Director +eDigital 

About Mauricio
Mauricio Escobar Mármol (BBsMn & MCom) is eDigital Sydney SEO Consultant, Social and Digital Media Specialist. Mauricio posses over 10 years experience helping companies to earn new customers and prolong customer lifetime value by effective execution of structured Digital Marketing strategies and executions. Mauricio worked as Digital Marketing Manager for some of Australia's most visited websites. Mauricio expertise focuses on Website Optimisation, Social Media, SEO/Networks Acquisition Strategies (SEO, SEM, Affiliates, Display) and vendor reviews.

WYD - 3

The last part of Sophie's talk in Rio, HUMANISING ECOLOGY.

 Taking all of this into account, it means that we need a humanistic ecological vision that takes account of the special nature of human beings, as well as the ecosystem in which we belong. This vision, as Pope Benedict said, should take in “not only the environment but also life, sexuality, marriage, the family, social relations”; that is, our “duties towards the human person” (Caritas in Veritate, 51). For all these things are part of what we mean by the nature of human beings. We are social by nature. We are born into families. We find meaning in our lives through loving and serving others. We have a dignity that can be expressed in the form of rights and duties.

Pope Benedict taught us that Christianity tries to balance the value of the human person with the value of nature as God’s creation. The Book of Genesis – as well as the Psalms and many other parts of the Bible, which praise the glories of nature – teach Christians to be responsible and gentle and wise in the way we behave towards the world around us. The virtue of
Prudence instructs us to take special care to preserve the natural resources on which our lives and those of our children depend. The other three “cardinal virtues” that are part of the Christian life are just as relevant. Temperance tells us that we must not become greedy, addicted to consumption, living a lifestyle that depends on having more and more. The virtue of Justice reminds us that many of us in the richer countries of the world support our lifestyle at the expense of the poorer countries. And we need the virtue of Fortitude or Courage to strengthen us for what we have to do – to find ways to change the way we live, to be kinder to the earth, fairer to our fellow human beings, and merciful towards the animals and plants that God has created out of his love and wisdom.

Pope Francis recently condemned our culture’s unrestrained greed, saying: “Man is not in charge today, money is in charge, money rules. God our Father did not give the task of caring for the earth to money, but to us, to men and women: we have this task! Instead, men and women are sacrificed to the idols of profit and consumption: it is the ‘culture of waste.’”

We need to escape this culture of waste that we have created: it is our duty as Christians.

Pope Benedict said that, while Christians have a host of compelling reasons to become ecologically responsible, nevertheless “modern Christianity, faced with the successes of science in progressively structuring the world, has to a large extent restricted its attention to the individual and his salvation” (Spe Salvi, n. 25). That means we have been too concerned about “me”, about my personal situation, my salvation, or mine and that of my immediate circle – not enough concerned about the rest of the world. But as Christians we shouldn’t separate the two, because the world has been given to us by God to look after. We can’t hope to save ourselves without trying to fulfill this mission with which we have been entrusted. So the other reason that prevents us getting involved in ecology is “individualism”. It is a disease of our culture, and it is this that makes us isolated, and prevents us working together for the sake of others.

Here are some final statistics. In 1960, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the United States produced approximately 88 million tons of municipal waste. By 2010 that number had risen to just under 250 million tons. This jump reflects an almost 184 percent increase in what Americans throw out, even though the population increased by only 60 percent. Everything we buy these days is produced to be cheap and not to last, wrapped in layers of plastic packaging that more often than not ends up in landfill sites. As a culture we seek quick fixes and easy options, but these quick fixes are costing the planet – and subsequently future generations – a lot. The production of clothes, for example, has a major impact upon human lives as well as the environment, for the most part not seen or considered by the average shopper. “Prices rarely include the real social and environmental cost,” says Safia Minney. She is the founder of the successful ethical fashion line, People Tree. In fact, once again, we see that the environmental and human elements cannot be separated. The World Health Organisation believes that around 20,000 farmers in developing countries die a year as a result of agricultural pesticides used in cotton farming.

I said that I was going to speak about how environmental ecology connects with the Theology of the Body. Well, ethical fashion is an example. Remember that clothing is a huge industry worldwide. Remember also that it is all about those fig leaves and those coats of skin in the Garden of Eden, the protection and ornamentation of our alienated human bodies. The clothing industry is only one among many, but it demonstrates exactly how a pattern of consumer choices that seems very trivial at the time adds up to create a huge impact both on our fellow human beings – such as the workers who are employed to make the clothes as cheaply as possible – and on the environment that is partially transformed, for better or worse, by our actions.

As young people we are consumers of clothing, and most of us would agree we should try to make sure we are not supporting unfair businesses, or buying things whose negative impact on the environment is hidden from view. If we are running a business, it is easy to say that we must not exploit our workers unfairly, or use immoral or illegal business practices to destroy competitors. That’s easy to say, sometimes less easy to do, in a fiercely competitive economy. We need ethical consumer organizations and corporate whistleblowers to help us. One thing we mustn’t do is assume that what we buy, what we wear, what we eat, is somehow unconnected with what I was saying earlier about the planet. If there is one thing ecology has taught us, it is that everything is connected.

In his speech to the German Bundestag in September 2011 called “The Listening Heart”, Pope Benedict said this: “We must listen to the language of nature and we must answer accordingly. Yet I would like to underline a point that seems to me to be neglected, today as in the past: there is also an ecology of man. Man too has a nature that he must respect and that he cannot manipulate at will. Man is not merely self-creating freedom. Man does not create himself.”

The Theology of the Body by Pope John Paul II is all about what we find when we understand our own nature as created by God. The Pope talks about the “spousal” or “nuptial” meaning of the body, about the fact that we were made for love, and that there is a “way of living the body” in its authentic masculinity and femininity. This nuptial meaning has been limited, violated and deformed over time and by modern culture, until we have almost lost the power of seeing it, but it is still there to be discovered with the help of grace, like a spark deep within the human heart. The “language of the body” is part of that “language of nature” that Pope Benedict speaks of. The way we live, the clothes we buy and wear, the work we do, the way we treat each other, and, yes, the way we treat animals and the whole of nature, should reflect our understanding of that language – the fact that we are put here not to destroy and exploit but to love and cooperate.

By way of conclusion, I want to sum up very briefly the difference between secular and Catholic environmentalism.

The extreme secular attitude to climate change and ecology could be represented by this short and snappy quote from the environmental organization Greenpeace: “The earth is 4.6 billion years old. Scaling to 46 years, humans have been here for 4 hours, the industrial revolution began 1 minute ago, and in that time, we’ve destroyed more than half the world’s forests.” Humans, in other words, are the enemy of the earth.

Standing here in front of you, more than halfway through my first pregnancy at the age of 25, you could say that I physically embody the fundamental difference between secular and Catholic understandings of ecology and environmentalism. The secular environmentalist might say, on the basis of the Greenpeace quote I just read, “Don’t have children if you can help it! Or if you must, have one or two at the very most. Humans are to blame for environmental damage, and it would be better if we had never existed.” But the Catholic environmentalist says something different. The Catholic might say: “Yes, it is true, and terrible, that we have let down the rest of creation by being bad stewards of its treasures. But we are the greatest treasure of them all – the natural world’s most precious resource – and we still have the power to turn this around, with God’s help. It is by continuing to have children, and by teaching those children well, that we can help clean up the mess that we have made.”

In our families, and with our children when they come, we must draw on the love that opens our eyes to reality, as Pope Francis says in his encyclical Lumen Fidei (2013): “Faith knows because it is tied to love, because love itself brings enlightenment. Faith’s understanding is born when we receive the immense love of God which transforms us inwardly and enables us to see reality with new eyes” (n. 26). In turn, by revealing the love of God the Creator, faith “enables us to respect nature all the more, and to discern in it a grammar written by the hand of God and a dwelling place entrusted to our protection and care. Faith also helps us to devise models of development which are based not simply on utility and profit, but consider creation as a gift for which we are all indebted” (n. 55).

Stratford and Sophie Caldecott, 24th July 2013, Rio de Janiero, Brazil

NB. Sophie has an interesting article on beauty on her own blog.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

WYD – 2

Sophie's talk in Rio continued.

One of the symbols of the ecology movement is a famous photograph of the earth from space that was taken by one of the Apollo spaceships on a lunar mission in the late 60s. It showed people very vividly that we all live on one extremely beautiful and delicate planet. It tells us that all creatures on the earth are dependent on the ecology and resources of planet earth. Political boundaries between one nation and another are invisible from space, and so the image also came to represent a way of transcending our national differences and our enmities in order to work for the preservation of the planet we share.

But the image also teaches us something else. We are just one among many
millions of animal species – but it shows us that human beings are special. It is only the human animal that can venture into space in order to take such a photograph. And like it or not, we play a central role on the planet. Even secular ecologists admit that we are more capable than any other species of destroying the entire ecosystem. This means that we have a heavier responsibility than any other species. And our Christian faith tells us that this responsibility is part of what we were created for. The Book of Genesis (2:15) tells us that “God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it.” That vocation to cultivate and look after the earth continues after our exile from the Garden of Eden; that is, after we began to sin. All that changed was that the job suddenly became more difficult. God told Adam: “cursed is the ground because of you; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth to you; and you shall eat the plants of the field” (Gen. 3:17-18).

This looks like a punishment, but really it is just the natural consequence of what man had done and what he had become. He had run away from God, tried to hide in the forest, ashamed of his own body. He had become alienated from God – no wonder everything had become more difficult for him! And the thing to underline is that in becoming alienated from God, he was also alienated from himself, from his wife, and from his own body. When God quizzes him about what had happened, he admits eating the forbidden fruit (whatever that means – it isn’t necessarily an apple!), but he blames his wife for giving it to him. And his own body (and hers) is now an embarrassment to him. He is aware of himself as a lonely creature in a dangerous world that he can never quite understand. The return to God is going to be a long and difficult road.

And yet man remains special. Even in disgrace, he has a unique relationship with the world. He and the woman together, who were made to help each other in this, are not abandoned by God just because of sin, since God now clothes them with skins so that they will survive outside the Garden, and sends them out to “till the ground” (again) from which they were taken (Gen. 3:23). They are given the same job they had before they fell from grace!  [Continued here.]

World Youth Day 2013

Sophie Caldecott (now Lippiatt) is representing her family at WYD this year, having been invited by Creatio to speak on Faith and the Environment to the young people there. It is a talk she and her dad wrote together, representing the concern of two generations for the world that we will hand on to the next. Ecology should be part of everyone's education. Taught the right way, without the intrusion of ideology, it can help to awaken a deeper appreciation for God's creation in its complexity and interdependence, as well as a sense of moral responsibility. In fact a concern for ecology and conservation runs deep in the family. Her uncle Julian is a professional conservationist. Leonie, her mother, also has a deep interest in the subject, and her great-grandfather, an artist, was involved in setting up the Kruger National Park in South Africa. Sophie's talk on 24 July began like this:

Through the pontificates of John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis, ecology has become an important part of Catholic social teaching. In 2011, Pope Benedict said, "The importance of ecology is no longer disputed. We must listen to the language of nature and we must answer accordingly.” In his
inaugural Mass, Pope Francis asked us to become “'protectors' of creation, protectors of God’s plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment." We have been reminded over and over again that, as Pope Francis also said in a Tweet on 5 June: “Care of creation is not just something God spoke of at the dawn of history: he entrusts it to each of us as part of his plan.”

What I want to do in this talk is reflect on the “plan” that the Pope speaks of. In particular, I want to show how ecology is part of a much wider plan that includes something you may not think at first was related to ecology at all – namely the Theology of the Body. But in fact, the Church’s teaching on the environment and on the human body, on cherishing the natural world and cherishing our human nature, belong together. They cannot be separated.

Of course, in some ways the natural environment is easier to talk about. Our generation is at last waking up to the beauty, the richness and diversity, the fragile complexity, of the environment on which our lives and societies depend. We are waking up to it because it is evaporating in front of our eyes. Philip Larkin’s poem, "Going, Going", sums it up in a very moving way. “I thought it would last my time - / The sense that, beyond the town, / There would always be fields and farms, / Where the village louts could climb / Such trees as were not cut down…” he begins, going on to say that now he is not so sure: “For the first time I feel somehow / That it isn’t going to last”. Suddenly all of these changes seem “To be happening so very fast”. Another of my favourite poets, Joni Mitchell, in her song “Big Yellow Taxi”, says something similar. You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone!

My uncle Julian has been working as a conservation biologist all over the world for more than 30 years. During that time, he has seen so many landscapes devastated and so much of the world depleted and degraded that he finds it hard not to be depressed. He tells me that around 70% of the millions of land-based species on the planet used to live in areas that were particularly supportive of life (rainforests, for example). These areas amounted to about 16% of the earth’s land surface. But since 1950, around 86% of that rich habitat has already been destroyed, mostly by human farming and industry. You can imagine the effect on biodiversity.

Don’t worry, this talk is not going to be full of statistics. The point is simply this. My uncle has dedicated his life to trying to save as much as he can, but he is doing it without the support that our faith gives us. He is defending God’s creation without even knowing who God is – just because he knows it is the right thing to do. Not only is he defending the beauty of nature, but he is trying to help preserve human life on earth, which depends on the survival of the “ecosystem”. As Catholics, we have even more reason to get involved in this issue. [... read next section ...]

Monday, July 22, 2013

Learn the secrets of a successful website - webinar - Bigcommerce Paypal July 2013

KEY TAKEAWAYS - "Learn the secrets of a successful website" - Webinar by Bigcommerce & Paypal.  23 July 2013

Key intakes from Troy Cox, Bigcommerce Australia

  • Create and launch a clean and modern website and homepage.
  • 90.000 australian websites using Paypal.
  • 37.000 merchants using Bigcommerce. They have learned what works well when selling online.
  • Ensure it showcase your brand your image. Make it easy and simple. homepage is the first impression of your website: . Not too cluttered.
  • Be careful when running multiple promotions. Put them in a carousel on homepage. The less promotions the more you convert. Imagine you enter into a shop and 6 sales assistant comes to you to sell you different products.
  • Make your website easy to navigate. Categorize your products on few categories.
  • Get a fresh perspective of your homepage. Run your website on different browsers and mobile phones and see how your homepage looks. It should be nice and clean.
  • Successful website have great product images. As people are not able to touch the product and really feel it, you need to have your products images from different angles. This will help improve conversions. The bigger the images, the less likely people will return your products. Bailey Nelson is a great example for nice, big, beautiful product images from several angles. They also have images of key features of the product: hinges.
  • Videos to drive engagement: Videos have a profound impact on conversions. it is not just about getting more visitors into shoppers. Videos allow to add value and get users to connect with your brand. Videos allow to lift that level of trust with your shoppers and visitors. People prefer to buy from companies they trust. You can showcase how your products work with other products. Video content can help you build that trust by showcasing the features, how products are being used or general information videos: how returns wok, how shipping work.
  • You do not have to be an expert videographer. Troy encouraged people to start with your smartphone and create videos to your products. Yeti coolers is a nice website that fully use videos to promote and educate users about their coolers. They use videos to help customers understand the capabilities and richness of of their products.
  • Product reviews: apart from increasing sales and conversions; it adds a "Social proof", that validation that a product is good, that works well. People start to distrust company product reviews so reviews have to actually be genuine. Customers like to see the both sides of the story. Product reviews are great for search engine optimisation SEO as products reviews are unique, timely and relevant content Google bot likes it. 
  • Social sharing is another advantage of product reviews. Allows people to add on reviews on social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.
  • Abandoned shopping carts: For many reasons people will abandon your shopping cart. (more than 70% of shopping carts are abandoned and within that 70%, 75% of those actually intended to buy. Reasons for abandonment:
  • Shipping costs: People do not like paying for shipping costs. Solution: offer free free shipping.
  • There is no guest check out: Some people do not want to create that "register" relationship. Solution: create a guest check out option.
  • Takes too long: do not ask questions you can ask later on. Questions like gender, others. 
  • Not having enough payment options: allow for different payment options. Add Paypal Express option. That will help you increase conversion. Bump my lock added Paypal Express and allowed them to increase conversion by 20%. Not bad.
  • Abandon Cart Saver: it is a great piece of software detects when a shopper abandon your cart and sends an email to shopper to invite them to comeback to site and complete purchase. Often there is a some sort of promotion to entice users to complete their shopping. Merchants can specify some rules and setting when using it such as offer limited time discounts (creating that scarcity of time), offer free shipping or any general offer.  A case study presented was Night Gear which recovered around 8.000 sales that otherwise have been lost by using the Abandon Cart Saver. I would have liked to know the average open and click through rates for those automated emails.

Key intakes from Dan Woodall, Paypal

  • Sounded like a product pitch requesting website owners to get Paypal logo on all key pages of your website.
  • Dan mentioned Paypal is the third most trusted brand in Australia and that four million people in Australia use it. would like to know the sources for those claims.
  • Mobile 1 in 4 transactions are done on a mobile phone. Create mobile versions of your key pages. Paypal already offers a mobile optimised payment process.
  • Cart abandonment: 70% of people abandon carts. In 2102 paypal conducted studies and a/b testing and some tips are:
  • Make sure paypal logo is prominent and visible. Leverage that Paypal brand trust.
  • Add Paypal on your product pages (smooth, easy, safe transaction with paypal)
  • Express checkout Paypal integration. It pulls customer payment and shipping details information.
  • Make it clear that you have Paypal Express option. It can increase up to 4% conversions.
  • Express Checkout: make sure you customised your Paypal Express Checkout flow with your logo and brand visuals.
  • Do not charge additional fees.
Key Intakes from Jonathon Allara,
  • Using Bigcommerce and Paypal has been beneficial.
  • Improve Customer Value proposition: improvements to supply chain, product quality, service and delivery.
  • Website started with very small range of bicycles, as they started to evolve, they presented more range and more features on the website.
  • Bicycles online uses analytical tools to help understand better users and customers: Visual Website Optimiser, Kampyle (Feedback form tool) Google Analytics and other tools.
  • Google Analytics: E-commerce reporting, goal reporting, conversion funnel reporting.
  • Visual website optimiser has helped bicycles online to create different variations of a page and run A/B testing in order to optimising conversions.
  • Bigcommerce search data has been also useful for bicycles online.
  • The Google on-page analytics tools helped bicycles online to know what call to actions features on homepage were not really fully utilised and they would have liked to. 
  • Results were improving the homepage and added some key call to actions on the header of the website( email, phone number, live chat).
  • Humanising the website has also been great. Adding images of people and employees and the key reasons why bicycles online sell just one brand.
  • Product pages have also been a/b tested. Bicyles Online added video content to each product page. This new video content resulted on a 60% increase on conversions by having this addition on product pages. it has also been created more trust, local feel and credibility.
  • They have also been using video to better communicate how the service works.
  • Call Mauricio - Digital Marketing, Social Media &  SEO Consultant Sydney on +61481 367 711
  • Check Mauricio Escobar Mármol LinkedIn profile.
  • Follow us on FacebookTumblrTwitter or Google+
  • If you like the above embed Real time Australia hot searches box you can embed it on your blog or website by using the below iframe: <iframe frameborder="650" height="650" src="//;c=3&amp;p=8" width="600"></iframe>
Happy Tuesday and thank you Bigcommerce and Paypal for the invite to this great webinar.

Mauricio Escobar Mármol
Director +eDigital 

About Mauricio
Mauricio Escobar Mármol (BBsMn & MCom) is eDigital Sydney SEO Consultant, Social and Digital Media Specialist. Mauricio posses over 10 years experience helping companies to earn new customers and prolong customer lifetime value by effective execution of structured Digital Marketing strategies and executions. Mauricio worked as Digital Marketing Manager for some of Australia's most visited websites. Mauricio expertise focuses on Website Optimisation, Social Media, SEO/Networks Acquisition Strategies (SEO, SEM, Affiliates, Display) and vendor reviews.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

18 tips on How to promote a new Facebook application

18 tips on How to promote a new Facebook application


1. The more specific your objective(s) the better.
Some objectives options are:
  • Are you building an app to sell more of a specific product? Specificy which product and the exact quantities you are expecting to convert.
  • Are you building an app to get people to visit your website and find out more about you products and services. Specify how many website visits you are expecting from the app.
  • Are you building an app to make new consumers aware of your product or services. Specify how many consumers you want people to interact with your app.


2. Make a competition or contest for your target market to decide what and how they want an application to be and work. Same users to be able to vote for the best creative idea. This will ensure your app when launched already have a fan base. 


3. Make one of the application main features to engage other friends into the use of the application. If friends do not play with the app the experience is not as great. Examples: Pringles island party application :friends are invited to win a party in an island. 

4. Ensure your application offers a custom result that users are happy to share and/or show off. this will totally give a viral effect and will make the application to be used by more people. Examples: Pringles Conga Facebook app: users upload a photo of them so the end result is customised. 

5. Add sharable options at the end of the application. Share on twitter/facebook/email..make sure the sharable options and not boring copy but cool call to actions and have the same tone, look and feel as the facebook application. 


6. Submit it to the Facebook apps directory AND facebook developers blog/forum. They will for sure be interested on what you have build, play with it (test it) and recommend it to people. 

7. Create a Facebook ad campaign targeting the people you want to use the facebook application. They might click on your ad, run the application and promote the facebook application to friends/family members. 

8. Create a consistent promotion calendar. Specify days you will be promoting and reminding people about the app. You can use your brands other digital media assets: Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, LinkedIn, Brick and Mortars (stores - if you have any) and any events (events are fantastic places to launch your new app - ensure you invite key media editors and bloggers to your event).

9. Create a case study about how you build the app and the results you have had in the first couple of weeks and share it with the digital media industry: Digital Buzz website, Springwise, others.

10. Reach popular and influential Facebook profiles. Send it to facebook profiles with more than 2000 friends and give them some giveaways for sharing the app on Facebook. 

10. Contact key bloggers to review the app and talk about it on their blogs/tweeter/facebook accounts. 

11. Promote the app on key pages of your website: Homepage,  "Thank you" pages and e-newsletter. 

12. Make a competition for the first 100 people to use the app and share it with friends on facebook to win something cool/relevant. 

13. Publish a media release about the new brands Facebook app. Ensure you include the app url address. 

14. Get celebrities (at least one relevant) to endorse the app and Tweet/Facebook about it. 

15. Allow users to provide feedback about new features so you know how to improve it and get more users to the app. 

16. Promote it in your Facebook page: in the cover photo, wall post. You can also  publish  a poll about it. 

17. Send the app url address to providers and partner companies so they can also promote it to their staff in their e-newsletters. 

18. Make a video about your app ( the story, behind the scenes, how it was built, why it was build, what the benefit is, etc), upload it into your youtube channel so users can embed the video on their own sites and blogs….bringing extra free promotion to your Facebook application. 

About Mauricio
Mauricio Escobar Mármol (BBsMn & MCom) is eDigital Sydney SEO Consultant, Social and Digital Media Specialist. Mauricio posses over 10 years experience helping companies to earn new customers and prolong customer lifetime value by effective execution of structured Digital Marketing strategies and executions. Mauricio worked as Digital Marketing Manager for some of Australia's most visited websites. Mauricio expertise focuses on Website Optimisation, Social Media, SEO/Networks Acquisition Strategies (SEO, SEM, Affiliates, Display) and vendor reviews.

eDigital is looking for a top gun Digital Marketing & Social Media Intern

eDigital is looking for a top gun Digital Marketing & Social Media Intern who is ready to get its hands dirty (promise not as dirty as the photo above) helping one of our clients with their digital and social media strategy for a new product launch.

This is a non-paid opportunity based in Sydney, Australia - Just apply if you are fully committed to spend around 10 hours per week during at least 2-3 months. We are a small consulting and training shop. There is no sponsor opportunities for non-australian residents.

  • Learn and put in practise how to create digital and social media campaigns.
  • Work from home or from uni at your available times. 
  • Be mentored by eDigital director. 
  • Work with in a specific client's project that needs your digital and social media support.
  • Be encouraged to learn and test new things. 
  • Be invited to client meetings. 
  • Get listened and get challenged. 

The person we are looking for: 
  • University, TAFE or private college student on marketing related courses. 
  • Passionate about communications and social media. 
  • You are a constant content contributor via blog, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook page, Google +, LinkedIn. 
  • You have a basic understanding what digital conversions means and how to measure them. 
  • Absolute great listener
  • Creative writer and content curator who is eager to make people share content.
  • Skills with photo/video editor software will be fantastic.
  • 300% trustworthy as you will be managing client's social media channels. Referees we can call are essential. 

How to apply? 
  • Sending us your cv (max two pages) to this email address including why you would like to work with us.
  • Please include your email and phone number on your cv so we can contact you. (yes, some people forget it)
  • Once you apply we will contact you to let you know whether your application was successful or not.
Thank you for considering working with us @ eDigital.

eDigital is a Sydney Digital Agency, SEO Company in Sydney and Digital Marketing Training Sydney.

About Mauricio
Mauricio Escobar Mármol (BBsMn & MCom) is eDigital Sydney SEO Consultant, Social and Digital Media Specialist. Mauricio posses over 10 years experience helping companies to earn new customers and prolong customer lifetime value by effective execution of structured Digital Marketing strategies and executions. Mauricio worked as Digital Marketing Manager for some of Australia's most visited websites. Mauricio expertise focuses on Website Optimisation, Social Media, SEO/Networks Acquisition Strategies (SEO, SEM, Affiliates, Display) and vendor reviews.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Sydney Marketers! - Instagram free photos and free images can now be embedded on any website!

NEW - Instagram photos and videos can now be embedded!
As per photo example above, marketers can bring their photos and video content into their website and blogs using the new Instragram embed functionality released yesterday.
Please note that if you use Tumblr blogging platform, it will just work when using the "Video" option. Tip: Within the "video" option of Tumblr you can still embed Instragram photos :)
What this means?
Marketers and website owners who already promote their brands on Instagram can bring their Instragram photos and videos to their existing and new articles, pages using the new Instagram embed functionality.
Why Marketers should?
By embedding your brand's Instagram photos or videos into your new articles or pages within your website, you get the below benefits:
  • Saves you time! if you have a decent website Content Management System that allows for easy embedding, it will just take a couple of seconds to embed content.
  • Make your articles more visually attractive! More photo and video content on your articles means more user engagement.
  • More Instagram followers! People who visit your pages, articles that show cast your Insta photos, they might also start following you on Instagram. 
Remember: If your Instagram posts are not set as "Private"; anyone can also embed your Instagram content on their own websites. At this stage i cannot see ( please correct me if I am wrong) Instagram has built functionality to report back to users the exact location (URL) a specific photo or video has been embedded so you can monitor whether your Instagram photos/videos have been embedded on "appropriate" websites. You might want possibly Competitors using your cool photos or some "inapropriate" sites exhibiting your photos on their websites.

eDigital is a Sydney Digital Agency, SEO Company in Sydney and Digital Marketing Training Sydney.

About Mauricio
Mauricio Escobar Mármol (BBsMn & MCom) is eDigital Sydney SEO Consultant, Social and Digital Media Specialist. Mauricio posses over 10 years experience helping companies to earn new customers and prolong customer lifetime value by effective execution of structured Digital Marketing strategies and executions. Mauricio worked as Digital Marketing Manager for some of Australia's most visited websites. Mauricio expertise focuses on Website Optimisation, Social Media, SEO/Networks Acquisition Strategies (SEO, SEM, Affiliates, Display) and vendor reviews.