Check out What Australians are searching in real time
What's trending in Google Australia can be found below
Need more website visits and conversions? You have the opportunity to create content Australians are highly searching for.
Below you can find ( in real- time) the hottest most popular searches happening in Google right now.
If you offer a product or service that can be associated to any of the below searches somehow you could test creating content around it and see how quickly and for how long Google will rank your SEO optimized page and generate traffic.
Keep in mind that those hot searches might not be as hot in a couple of days. However it is worth allocating some time with your website writer to do some " hot searches" content tests and measure it is success by traffic generation and conversions.
So, what are the hottest most popular searches in Australia happening right now? Check it out:
TIP: Use the grid icon (top left) to change the amount of top searches it displays.
Below you can find ( in real- time) the hottest most popular searches happening in Google right now.
If you offer a product or service that can be associated to any of the below searches somehow you could test creating content around it and see how quickly and for how long Google will rank your SEO optimized page and generate traffic.
Keep in mind that those hot searches might not be as hot in a couple of days. However it is worth allocating some time with your website writer to do some " hot searches" content tests and measure it is success by traffic generation and conversions.
So, what are the hottest most popular searches in Australia happening right now? Check it out:
TIP: Use the grid icon (top left) to change the amount of top searches it displays.
Well, according to Google Australia these were the top trending searches on Saturday 3rd August 2013:
- Events: Big Day Out 2014 (line up just announced), Cricket Australia ( Australian vs England 3 test, day 2), Ashes 2013.
- Celebrities & popular people: Bradley Manning (American soldier who released diplomatic cables via WikiLeaks), Christian Benitez (Ecuadorian soccer player who just died of heart failure), Lauren Silverman (Simon Cowell lover), Dean Robinson (Essedon Football CLub "Bombers" - Melbourne manager who has been watched my the controversial supplements regime -anti doping case), Miley Cyrus (American singer, actress launching her "Fire" musical video).
- TV programs: How I met your mother, X factor, Big Brother.
- Other media: Triple J.
- Call Mauricio - Digital Marketing, Social Media & SEO Consultant Sydney on +61481 367 711
- Check Mauricio Escobar Mármol LinkedIn profile.
- Follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter or Google+
- If you like the above embed Real time Australia hot searches box you can embed it on your blog or website by using the below iframe: <iframe frameborder="650" height="650" src="//" width="600"></iframe>
Mauricio Escobar Mármol (BBsMn & MCom) is eDigital Sydney SEO Consultant, Social and Digital Media Specialist. Mauricio posses over 10 years experience helping companies to earn new customers and prolong customer lifetime value by effective execution of structured Digital Marketing strategies and executions. Mauricio worked as Digital Marketing Manager for some of Australia's most visited websites. Mauricio expertise focuses on Website Optimisation, Social Media, SEO/Networks Acquisition Strategies (SEO, SEM, Affiliates, Display) and vendor reviews.